Terms of Use

1. General

1.1. Welcome to PointBlankMalta.com. The following are the rules or “Terms” that govern use of the PointBlankMalta.com web site (“Site”) and the use of the services offered in this Site (“Services”).

1.2. Please check this page of the Site periodically for any updates to these Terms. If You violate these Terms, Point Blank may terminate Your use of the Site, bar You from future use of the Site, cancel Your order, and/or take appropriate legal action against You.

1.3. By requesting any Services including but not limited to purchasing of jewellery from the Site, You expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and to follow these Terms and all applicable laws, regulations and policies governing the Site and the Service.

1.4. For the purpose of these Terms and without prejudice to specific definitions throughout these Terms;

1.4.1. “Customer” shall mean any User of Point Blank who purchases a Product.

1.4.2. “Point Blank”, “We”, “Us” shall mean the owner of this Site.

1.4.3. “Product” shall include but not be limited to hand made jewellery produced by Point Blank sold from this Site.

1.4.4. “Site” shall mean https://www.PointBlankMalta.com

1.4.5. “Use” shall include but not be limited to visiting and/or viewing the Site, as well as making use of any Services from this Site.

1.4.6. “You”, “User” shall mean, whoever visits the Site and/or requests Services offered on this Site.

1.5. Point Blank shall have the right to change, amend, substitute, suspend or in any way alter these Terms at any time without any prior notice whatsoever, and such alterations shall be effective immediately upon posting on the Site.

2. Permitted Use

2.1. This Site shall only be used for what it is intended and any illegal and/or unauthorised Use of the Site shall lead to the legal proceedings being taken by Point Blank against the unlawful user. Furthermore, Point Blank reserves the right to restrain such unlawful user from visiting and/or making Use of the Site.

3. Disclaimers

3.1. Point Blank does not promise that the Site will be error-free, uninterrupted, nor that it will provide specific results from Use of the Site or any Content, search or link on it. The Site and its Content are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. Point Blank cannot ensure that files You download from the Site will be free of viruses or contamination or destructive features. Point Blank disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including also any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

3.2. Point Blank makes no guarantee of any specific result from Use of this Site or its Services.

3.3. Point Blank disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third party users, Point Blank users, advertisers, promotes and/or sponsors on the Site, in connection with the Point Blank service or otherwise related to Your Use of the Site and/or the Point Blank service. Point Blank is not responsible for the products, services, actions or failure to act of any Venue, performer, promoter or other third party in connection with or referenced on the Site.

4. Pricing and Exchange Rates

4.1. Prices are inclusive of VAT and exclusive of any other taxes which may be applicable.

4.2. The prices shall be shown in the currency of your choice, between those currencies available on the Site. However, by the default the currency shown will depend on the geographical location tag of your IP address. Prices between different currencies may vary due to exchange rates and conversion fees.

4.3. Point Blank reserves the right to vary prices and rates in the event of changes in exchange rates or price rises made by Our suppliers. Prices may increase due to exchange rate fluctuations, price increases, tax changes or any other reason.

4.4 All offers, including but not limited to gifts with purchases, are not valid on the value of sale items or in conjunction with any other offer or discount.

5. Payments and Transaction Security Policy

5.1. This site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure secure transmission of personal data. You should be able to see a padlock symbol in the status bar on the bottom right hand corner of the browser window. The URL address will also start with https:// which means that the Site is secure.

5.2. SSL applies encryption between Your PC and our server. Any data transmitted during the session will be encrypted or scrambled and then decrypted and unscrambled at the receiving end. This will ascertain that data cannot be read during transmission.

5.3. We do not keep any credit card details of our customers.

5.4 All orders on this website are concluded using the English language.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1. Any intellectual property on the Site shall remain the property of its owner and/or creator as the case may be. You shall not copy and/or Use such property unless specifically authorised by the owner and/or creator of such property.

This includes the designs of the Products displayed on and/or sold from this Site.

7. Copyright Policy

7.1. You are only authorised to visit, view and to retain a copy of pages of this Site for Your own personal use, and that You shall not duplicate, download, publish, modify or otherwise distribute the material on this Site for any purpose other than to review a Product and promotional information, for personal use, or to purchase Products for Your personal use, unless otherwise specifically authorised by Point Blank to do so. You also agree not to deep-link to the Site for any purpose, unless specifically authorised by Point Blank to do so. The content and software on this Site is the property of Point Blank and/or its suppliers and is protected by Maltese and international copyright laws.

7.2. If You would like to make Use of any part of this Site, You must contact the administrator of the Site and request specific clearance as well as pay the applicable copyright fees that may be due.

8. No Association and Non-Affiliation

8.1. Point Blank should not be associated to and/or affiliated to any other entity and/or person unless such a relationship in fact exists and is governed by an appropriate agreement.

9. Unauthorised Use of the Site

9.1. Illegal and/or unauthorised Use of the Site, including, but not limited to, unauthorised framing of or linking to the Site, or unauthorised use of any software on the site, will be investigated and appropriate legal action will be taken.

10. Violation of the Terms

10.1. You understand and agree that in Point Blank sole discretion, and without prior notice, Point Blank may terminate Your access to the Site, cancel Your orders or exercise any other remedy available and remove any unauthorised content, if Point Blank believes that the content has violated or is inconsistent with these Terms of Use violated the rights of Point Blank, the User or the law. You agree that monetary damages may not provide a sufficient remedy to Point Blank for violations of these Terms and You consent to injunctive or other equitable relief for such violations. Point Blank is not required to provide any refund to You if You are terminated as a User because You have violated these Terms of Use.

11. Product Description

11.1. Due to the fact that most of the products are hand-made, they may vary from the description provided on the Site.

11.2. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, products may differ in size and appearance.

12. Delivery and Returns Policy

Please refer to our Delivery and Returns Policy

13. Limitation of Liability

13.1. In no event will Point Blank be liable to You for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including also lost profits, even if Point Blank has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

13.2. In no event will Point Blank be held liable for inter alia skin irritation due to allergic reactions and death as a result of suffocation.

13.3. We shall not be responsible if the products which You receive are not identical, inter alia in size and appearance, to the products portrayed and described on the Site.

13.4. Point Blank is not responsible for any Products which are lost or stolen.

13.5. The maximum liability of Point Blank shall be capped at the total amount paid by the User/Customer for the Products bought from Point Blank for each specific transaction.

14. Indemnity

14.1. You agree to indemnify and hold Point Blank, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Your Use of the Site, including also Your Use of the Site to provide a link to another site or to upload content or other information to the Site.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

15.1. These Terms and other policies on this Site shall be construed and interpreted, and the relationship between the User/Customer and Point Blank (collectively referred to as the ‘Parties’) shall be governed in accordance with the Laws of Malta, Europe.

15.2. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall have a first recourse by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Malta Arbitration Centre as in force on the date on which such dispute, controversy or claim arises.

15.3. The number of arbitrators shall be one (1) and shall be appointed by agreement between the Parties. Should the Parties not agree on the person who shall be appointed as arbitrator within fifteen (15) days from the date on which either of the Parties may refer the dispute, controversy or claim to arbitration. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the Malta Arbitration Centre.

15.4. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Maltese or English as may agreed between the parties.